MAY 8: R66 Museum, Quarter Horse Museum, Press coverage, and Mega-LUNCH!

Woke up in Clinton’s Fairfield Motel, where the staff had allowed me to park Aardvark under the main door canopy overnight. Fantastic exposure for our charities: plenty of people asked us about the car and charities displayed on it. Hoping that made some dent in our donations goal! 

We drove into town for an interview by the Clinton Daily News reporter, Alicia. What a fun morning, she asked questions, photo’d us, and gave us their website to check for the published article later on. Nothing to see  yet, we’ll check it again later.

A must-see item was nearby: the “Route 66 Museum ” of Clinton. What a treat, we didn’t expect it to be so well-done and professional. Got the senior citizen admission rate without having to show our ID’s! You should go see this one if you want to know the Who-How-Why history of this Route. Very impressive, and we got lots more inquiries about our trip and the charities, from other visitors. 

Next we hit the road for Amarillo, Texas, to have a video interview with a pair of local broadcast news stations. We agreed to meet at the American Quarter Horse Museum and Hall of Fame. WOW, it is a shrine to Quarter Horses, and an active showplace for horse events. Statutes abound, a famous horse is buried at the entrance, and there is a HUGE wood-lined indoor arena that looks kind of like a big executive horse office. I was just interested in Amarillo because it’s in the Route 66 song, but boy there’s a lot more to this place! 

Our interview was fun, lots of video was taken, and we are waiting to see how and if the encounter makes it to the local news as a human interest story.  As we prepared to leave, a man and his son were taking photos of our cars from the street. We invited the son to  play race car in the Aardvark, strapped him in, told him about building the Factory Five car, and gave him some swag. Another happy future car builder and charity donor! 

Before hitting the road again, we were hungry for lunch, so tracked down the best Mexican restaurant on old Route 66 that runs through Amarillo’s downtown: BRACEROS. Fantastic good fortune again, our waiter recommended the house special: chicken breast and shrimp over rice smothered in special Guerrero sauce. Best Mexican meal we’ve ever had! They even sold Route 66 Root Beer, so I bought a bottle just to show our sponsor we like the Route 66 sodas. One last item: we walked a few blocks of the old restored shops along the street, got a mural photo, then sent off in earnest for our overnight stop in Santa Rosa, NM. 

No rain, but HEAVY wind all the way. We were blown around some in our cars, but could really understand why the I-40 route to Santa Rosa was filled with literally THOUSANDS of huge wind turbine electricity generators. Sometimes as far as you could see to either side of the highway. I bet electricity rates are low around here.

Tomorrow’s route and plans are up-in-the-air, we’ll figure it out at breakfast! Thanks for following along.

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