Part of the Route 66 experience are the kitschy attractions it has become famous for over the decades. One of those is the Wigwam Motels. The Wigwam Motels was a motel chain built during the 1930s and 1940s with rooms constructed in the form of tipis but mistakenly referred to as wigwams. Of the seven original locations only two remain, and we stayed in the one located in Holbrook, AZ.
After a night in the “Wigwam”, we woke to a chilly 45 degree morning and drove to our next destination for breakfast, Winslow, AZ, and yes we did stand on the corner and saw a flat bed Ford though no girl was driving it. We did however meet a father and son who were also traveling Route 66. They asked about our trip and mission and wanted to donate. Nice folks. I also had some really good oatmeal at a restaurant across the street from the flat bed Ford. Now there’s a sentence I never imagined I would be writing.
Pressing on to Phoenix by Route 87, we were treated to more beautiful vistas, and as we dropped elevation, warmer temps. By the time we reached Phoenix the temperature was 95. A 50 degree swing in less than 6 hours!